Dick S.

Dick S. – Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)


2024 National Cancer Survivor MonthYou’d never know it when you talk to Dick Stevens that he has been a cancer survivor for 20 years and is now 90 years old. In 2003, he was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) by his primary doctor and was immediately sent to a specialist. Currently living in North Carolina, he is now a patient at Duke who referred him to Onco360.

Dick recently retired as a volunteer groundskeeper at a local church after nine years. He loved the work, and it kept him in great physical shape. He was also a volunteer in the infusion room in the chemotherapy center at a nearby hospital, which helped him to understand his cancer and his feelings about his diagnosis. He said the most important thing he learned was a positive attitude can make such a difference no matter the situation. “To take what you’re given and make the best of it.”

He said he considers Onco360 to be part of what has been “the best of it.” We made it easy for him to start his chemotherapy treatment by answering all his questions and taking away all his concerns. His largest concern was the financial aspect, but our OncoAdvocate® Team helped him find the solutions he needed. He said, “when I was first referred to Onco360, I had an issue with my prior authorization. I received a call from Onco360, and you told me you were sending a five-day supply of my medication so I could get started while we were waiting for the approval. I was so thankful that you all would do that for me.”

Dick’s wife is also in treatment for cancer. They are very close and take on everything as it comes – together. She is an inspiration to him. In her faith, he has found his own. He said, “I asked my pastor what to do during the hard times and he told me that I could either fight it or embrace it. I’ll always win if I embrace it.”

Dick and his wife have “embraced” the challenges of a cancer diagnosis. They take what comes and keep going. We are just glad we were able help him along the way.


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